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AbstractThe induced deformation, due to the presence of elastic coupling in the structure of passive smart blades, is the key parameter that affects the wind turbine performance. Therefore, when predicting the aerodynamic performance of these turbines, a structural analyser is also required to bring the effect of the induced deformation into account. This diverts the numerical simulation of wind turbines utilising passive smart blades from the simulation of wind turbines with traditional blades. In performance prediction, additional complexity arises when the blades are bend-twist-coupled. In this case an iterative coupled-aero-structure analysis must be carried out. Further difficulties in simulation of these turbines are posed by the fact that the current analytical models for analysis of structures made of anisotropic composite materials are not accurate enough. Different strategies have been proposed and followed by investigators to embark upon the above highlighted problems. The present paper describes, evaluates and compares these approaches.