Description -Okra is a stout annual herb typically reaching 2 m in height, but some African varieties may grow up to 5 m tall, with a base stem 10 cm in diameter. The heart-shaped, lobed leaves are attached to the thick, woody stem. They may reach 30 cm in length and are generally hairy. Flowers are borne singly in the leaf axils and are usually yellow with a dark red or purple base. Some of the African varieties bloom only in late fall in temperate zones and are photoperiod sensitive. It is largely self-pollinated, although some outcrossing is reported, and it is often visited by bees.The pod (capsule or fruit) is 10-25 cm long (shorter in the dwarf varieties). Generally, it is ribbed or round and varies in color from yellow to red to green. It is pointed at the apex, hairy at the base, and tapered toward the tip. It contains numerous oval seeds that are about the size of peppercorns, white when immature and dark green to gray-black when mature. 972 Habitat and Distribution -The genus Abelmoschusis is believed to have originated in South-East Asia. The common okra, Abelmoschus esculentus, however, is a cultigen of uncertain origin.