Competition over land is at the core of many sustainable development challenges in Myanmar: villagers, companies, governments, ethnic minority groups, civil society organisations and non-governmental organisations from local to the international level claim access to and decision-making power over the use of land. Therefore, this article investigates the actor interactions influencing land-use changes and their impacts on the supply of ecosystem services and human well-being. We utilise a transdisciplinary mixed-methods approach and the analytical lens of the social-ecological systems framework. Results reveal that the links between land-use changes, ecosystem services and human well-being are multifaceted; For example ecosystem services can decline, while human well-being increases. We explain this finding through three different pathways to impact (changes in the resource systems, the governance systems or the broader social, economic and political context). We conclude with implications of these results for future sustainable land governance. Keywords Claims on land • Sustainability • Ecosystem services • Human wellbeing • Myanmar Résumé La lutte pour la terre est au centre de plusieurs défis de développement durable au Myanmar : les villageois, les compagnies, le gouvernement, les groupes ethniques minoritaires, les organisations de la société civile et non-gouvernementales-du niveau locale au niveau internationale-réclament l'accès à la terre, et le pouvoir de prendre des décisions sur son utilisation. Cette étude enquête les interactions parmi