Landscape structure and climate seasonality affect the amount, richness and 3 diversity of pollen collected by honeybees in a Neotropical region of 4 Colombia 5 6 7 Abstract 20 Pollen is the main food for honeybee broods and young workers and so colony 21 development and reproduction rely heavily on pollen availability, both spatially and 22 temporally, in the environment. Intensification of agriculture and climate seasonality are 23 known to alter honeybee foraging patterns and pollen intake through changes in resource 24 availability in temperate regions; however, little is known about how honeybees respond to 25 such environmental factors in tropical regions.26 Pollen species collected by honeybees in a Neotropical agricultural region of 27 Colombia were identified. The effects of landscape structure (landscape Shannon Diversity 28 Index, forest area in 1000 m around the apiary) and climate seasonality (mean monthly 29 precipitation) on the amount, richness and diversity of pollen collected by the honeybees 30were evaluated for all pollen species together and pollen species segregated according to 31 forest and anthropic areas (croplands, grasslands, woodlands, urban areas).
32Honeybees were found to be much more associated with anthropic than forest 33 pollen species regardless of landscape structure or precipitation. However, the amount, 34 richness and diversity of pollen from all species and forest species responded positively to 35 landscape diversity and forest area, suggesting an advantage for honeybees in obtaining 36 small quantities of pollen from forest species, in spite of being well-adapted to forage in 37 anthropic areas. Precipitation was found not to be related to the overall amount and overall 38 richness of pollen collected by honeybees, suggesting that climate seasonality was not an 39 important factor for pollen foraging. Nonetheless, overall pollen diversity was negatively 40 affected by precipitation in less diverse landscapes, while anthropic pollen diversity was 3 41 negatively affected in more forested landscapes. These findings are compared with those 42 from temperate regions, and the implications for honeybee productivity and survival, and 43 their interactions with Neotropical native species, are discussed. 44 45 Introduction 46 Pollen is essential for the development and sustainment of honeybee colonies 47 because it provides the proteins necessary for the development of broods and young 48 workers [1]. The quantity and quality of pollen acquired by honeybees positively influences 49 their health and survival by improving their longevity and immune function [2, 3].50Therefore, understanding the factors that affect honeybee pollen intake and foraging 51 patterns is fundamental to enhancing their well-being and productivity.
52Honeybees select among different pollen species according to their abundance in 53 the surroundings, their attractiveness and the ease of collection and handling [4, 5]. In spite 54 of this selectivity, however, honeybees forage on diverse resources, including...