“…The National Reading Panel (RAND Reading Study Group, 2002) defined fluency in terms of accuracy, appropriate rate, and good expression. Although the definition refers to appropriate rate, rather than a fast rate per se, measures of fluency use scores such as correct words per minute in which faster is better, other things being equal (e.g., Cianco, Thompson, Schall, Skinner, & Foorman, 2015;Hale et al, 2011;McCane-Bowling, Strait, Guess, Wiedo, & Muncie, 2014;Skinner et al, 2009;Skinner, Neddenriep, Bradley-Klug, & Ziemann, 2002). As a result, we are interested in whether response rate on comprehension items answered correctly can be used to monitor progress in attaining automaticity.…”