Hypertension patients aged under 40 years have low awareness and under-diagnosis, hence poor blood pressure control. The prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in men and women aged 26 to 35 years is 55% and 44%, respectively. This study aimed to provide information on the prevalence and risk factors for hypertension among young adults based on the basic health survey [Riset Kesehatan Dasar; RISKESDAS] in Indonesia.
This cross-sectional study utilized secondary data from the RISKESDAS 2018 with a total of 140,073 subjects aged 26-35 years. The characteristics of the subjects were presented as proportion. This study performed a chi-square test and involved multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression for all parameters with p-value <0.25 in the chi-square test.
This study reports the prevalence of hypertension among young adults to be 4.1%. A study also found that female [POR:=1.225 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.119-1.341], unmarried [POR=0.711; 95% CI:0.556-0.908], low-level education [POR=1.286; 95% CI:1.195-1.384], unemployed [POR=1.267; 95% CI:1.166-1.377], BMI≥25 [POR=2.472 [2.295-2.662], diabetes mellitus [POR=3.688; 95% CI:2.630-5.173], emotional mental disorder [POR=2.041; 95% CI:1.856-2.244], instant food consumption [POR=1.108; 95% CI:1.025-1.197] were related to the occurrence of hypertension among young adults.
The prevalence of hypertension among young adults was 4.1%. Females, married, low level of education, unemployed, BMI≥25, diabetes mellitus, having a mental disorder, and consumption of instant food altogether increase the risk of getting hypertension among young adults aged 26-35 years old.