The PH-Pfaffian state having 1/2 central charge is consistent with the thermal Hall conductance measurement of ν = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall system, but lacks support from the existing numerical results. In this report we propose a new state described by the wave function(zi − zj) 2 , with P f (A) being the Pfaffian of an antisymmetric matrix A. We call this new state the incompressible PH-Pfaffian state, as it is formed by increasing the relative angular momentum by two for each of the paired composite fermions of the PH-Pfaffian state (as seen from the numerator (zi − zj ) 2 inside the Pfaffian symbol P f ), making the PH-Pfaffian state from possibly compressible to incompressible. We argue that while the incompressible PH-Pfaffian state is distinct, it has the same central charge as the PH-Pfaffian state, and is therefore consistent with the thermal Hall conductance measurement. In spherical geometry, the incompressible PH-Pfaffian state has the same magnetic flux number N φ = 2N + 1 as the anti-Pfaffian state, allowing a direct numerical comparison between the two states. Results of exact diagonalization of finite systems in the second Landau level show that, by increasing the short range component of the Coulomb interaction, the ground state undergoes a phase transition from the anti-Pfaffian state to the incompressible PH-Pfaffian state, thus providing the numerical support to the latter.