The objective of this special issue is to introduce a new theme, the use of game and decision theory in reliability modeling and risk analysis, which was the focus of the First Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk (GDRR) held at the George Washington University on May 27–28, 2009. The issue considered papers presented at the Second Symposium on GDRR ( ), held at the Hotel Villa Carlotta, Belgirate (VB), Lake Maggiore, Italy, on May 19–21, 2011, and also was open to the public for submission of papers relevant to the theme. The contributors to the special issue include Sevillano, Rios Insua, and Rios; Delquié; Foschi and Spizzichino; French; Bhattacharjya and Deleris; Bhattacharjya and Shachter; Lejeune; Cheung and Zhuang; Smith and Dodd; Sri Bhashyam and Montibeller; and Paté-Cornell.