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ABSTRACTThe overall goal of this study was to determine the levels of distress in women with a family history of ovarian cancer and to identify the mediating factors between risk of developing ovarian cancer and distress. One hundred and eleven women completed a mailed questionnaire about their subjective risk status, their knowledge of ovarian cancer and risk factors, uncertainty about ovarian cancer, levels of anxiety and depression, personality traits, and their interest in genetic testing. We received IRB ; 59% were married; 68% were Caucasian; 16% were Hispanic; 48% had a college or higher degree; and 59% worked full time. They reported a total of 73 relatives with ovarian cancer and 185 relatives with breast cancer. The mean of their levels of ovarian cancer anxiety (M = 12.43, std. dev. = 6.04) was in the middle range (0-24) and the mean of cancer worry (M = 5.13, std. dev.= .87) was at the lower end of the range (3-12). Data analyses are being completed and a manuscript prepared.