Original scientific paperIn an underdeveloped remanufacturing system, poor infrastructure and low technical level impede further development of remanufacturing. To overcome this obstacle, a huge amount of fixed investment is required to improve the remanufacturing system. However, this investment inevitably influences the manufacturer's manufacturing/remanufacturing decision-making economically. The relationship between fixed investment and recycling ratio was investigated, and the two-and multi-period manufacturing/remanufacturing mixed optimization models were developed. Based on the Karush-KuhnTucker (KKT) conditions, the optimal manufacturing/remanufacturing and fixed investment policies were obtained in closed-form expressions. Moreover, the influences of the fixed investment were analysed. Results show that the optimal policies are significantly influenced by the degree of underdevelopment of the remanufacturing system. When the remanufacturing system is underdeveloped, the manufacturer shows a lack of enthusiasm in remanufacturing, thereby resulting in the decrease of the investment and the recycling ratio. The manufacturer raises the sale price to alleviate the loss caused by fixed investment, but the total manufacturing quantity and profit decrease. In the multi-period case, the manufacturer gradually increases the investment for continuously improving the remanufacturing system to increase the recycling ratio and obtain additional profits from remanufacturing. The proposed models can effectively provide the reference for determining the reasonable manufacturing/remanufacturing and fixed investment policies in the underdeveloped remanufacturing system.
Keywords: fixed investment; heterogeneous demands; KKT conditions; remanufacturing
Smjernice za optimalnu proizvodnju/preradbu s fiksnim ulaganjem u nedovoljno razvijeni sustav preradbeIzvorni znanstveni članak U nedovoljno razvijenom sustavu preradbe, slaba infrastruktura i nizak tehnički nivo onemogućavaju daljnji razvoj preradbe. Za otklanjanje ove prepreke i unapređenje sustava preradbe potrebna su velika fiksna ulaganja. Ta ulaganja nedvojbeno utječu na proizvođača i ekonomičnost u donošenju odluke o proizvodnji /preradbi. Analizirao se odnos između omjera fiksnog ulaganja i preradbe te su razvijeni modeli optimizacije s dva i više perioda proizvodnje/preradbe. Na temelju Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) uvjeta, dobivene su smjernice za optimalnu proizvodnju/preradbu i fiksno ulaganje. Uz to, analizirani su učinci fiksnog ulaganja. Rezultati pokazuju da na optimalne odluke značajno utječe stupanj nerazvijenosti sustava preradbe. Kad je sustav preradbe nedovoljno razvijen, proizvođač pokazuje manjak entuzijazma za prerađivanje, a to dovodi do smanjenja ulaganja i omjera preradbe. Proizvođač podiže prodajnu cijenu kako bi ublažio gubitak izazvan fiksnim ulaganjem, ali ukupna proizvodnja i profit opadaju. U slučaju multi-perioda, proizvođač postepeno povećava ulaganje u trajno poboljšanje sustava preradbe kako bi se povećao omjer recikliranja i dobila dodatna z...