According to the Bylaws of the AACP, the Professional Affairs Committee is to study issues associated with professional practice as they relate to pharmaceutical education, and to establish and improve working relationships with all other organizations in the field of health affairs. The Committee is also encouraged to address related agenda items relevant to its Bylaws charge and to identify issues for consideration by subsequent committees, task forces, commissions, or other groups.Consistent with a theme of examining AACP's role in promoting quality and making pharmaceutical care a reality in all practice settings, the Professional Affairs Committee was asked to focus on how AACP might foster organizational improvement and success among its institutional members in establishing a standard of pharmacy practice through improved development and evaluation of experiential learning and experiential learning sites. President-elect Robert A. (Buzz) Kerr specifically charged the 2003-04 AACP Professional Affairs Committee to:• Review "Approaching the Millenium," the 1997 Report of the AACP Janus Commission, 1 which focused on the academy's dual responsibility of educating graduates capable of providing pharmaceutical care and enabling the profession to achieve its vision of providing pharmaceutical care in all settings. Consider the recommendations of this report related to the evaluation of the comprehensive system of education/practice partnerships and interprofessional relationships that support quality professional experiential education. Identify key suggestions and information to forward for consideration by ACPE in the accreditation standards and guidelines revision process related to pharmacy practice experience education, services, and facilities.• Suggest appropriate professional experience program assessment measures or quality indicators that guide institutions in responding to "How do you know if you have a quality professional experience education program?" Students' experiential education should occur in settings with the "highest" or "exemplary" standards of pharmaceutical care practice. How do you recognize "exemplary" pharmaceutical services? The committee should suggest institutional research elements needed to provide evidence of a quality experiential education program and its elements (ie, the learning experiences, the practice environment, and the practitioner-educators). Background information and resource materials were distributed to committee members prior to a conference call on September 26, 2003. During the conference call the Committee shared preliminary views and discussed their approach to the charge. They decided to begin with identifying quality elements of the components of advanced practice experience which would suggest the areas of focus for the academy in assisting the profession to achieve the implementation of pharmaceutical care as the universal practice performance standard. 1 There was agreement that quality in experiential education is a result of the preceptor (practitio...