Processes induced by the attachment of slow electrons to formic acid and its hydrogen-bonded dimer were studied. The elastic cross section and the cross section for the excitation of low quanta of discrete vibrations were found to be of a similar magnitude for both targets. A dramatic difference was found in the excitation of a vibrational quasicontinuum in the 1-2 eV range with the ejection of very slow electrons (E < 0:1 eV), which was about 20 more intense in the dimer. The association of two formic acid molecules to form a dimer thus dramatically increases the power to quasithermalize electrons arriving with energies in the 1-2 eV energy range. Rapid electron-driven intracluster proton transfer is invoked to explain the observation.The interest in electron-induced chemical processes has been recently renewed by the discovery that electrons at subionization [1] and even subexcitation energies [2] damage DNA. The biology-relevant discoveries inspired a series of gas phase studies of the various building blocks of DNA and other biomolecules [3,4]. The molecules in living tissue are, however, associated with neighboring molecules, often by means of hydrogen bridges, and it would thus be interesting to evaluate in what way this association affects the electron-induced processes.The dimer of formic acid is a suitable model system for such study, because it is one of the most stable neutral complexes with a complexation energy of 15 kcal mol ÿ1 (0.65 eV). The present work characterizes the collisions by means of measurement of the cross sections for vibrational excitation and for elastic scattering. The cross sections provide a detailed insight into electron-driven processes and the role played by resonances (temporary negative ions). This method was recently applied to the formic acid monomer [5]. The information obtained in this way is complementary to that obtained by studying the dissociative electron attachment, recently performed on clusters of formic acid and on condensed formic acid [6 -8], where a dramatic increase of cross sections with cluster size has been found.Particularly important for the interpretation of the present observation is the discovery, by means of anion photoelectron spectra and quantum chemical calculations, that hydrogen-bonded dimer anions of carboxylic acids (including amino acids and formic acid) and nucleic acid bases have a proton transferred from the acid to the base in their most stable structures and that this structure is reached by a barrier-free proton transfer (BFPT) [9,10]. The BFPT structure was also predicted theoretically for the formic acid dimer anion [11].Interesting phenomena were discovered in dissociative electron attachment to monomeric formic acid. The HCOO ÿ formate anion signal appeared at its energetic threshold at 1.25 eV [12]. The mechanism was clarified theoretically by Rescigno et al. [13]. High signal-to-noise ratio spectra revealed weak structures on the dissociative electron attachment band [12]. The absolute elastic cross sections as a function of sca...