| INTRODUC TI ONSex differences in the brain include molecular, cytoarchitectural or connectivity features of cells and brain regions that are non-neutral between males and females. These sex differences are embedded within neural circuits and could provide the functional basis for sex-typical behaviours and physiological responses ( Figure 1). 1,2The origins of these sex differences are not fully understood, although they can be the result of genetic, hormonal or environmental factors acting in adulthood or during development. 3 Some of the best studied sex differences in the brain appear to arise from the effects of sex hormones, mainly testosterone or its metabolite oestradiol. Activational effects of sex hormones arise in adulthood and are reversible. By contrast, organisational effects of sex hormones are programmed during a short perinatal time window, or critical period, and are permanent. For example, perinatal oestradiol can alter cellular survival and lead to sex differences in neurone number in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus and the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) in rodents. 4-9 However, other hypothalamic regions exhibit sex differences in gene expression or morphology rather than cell number. In the VMHvl, perinatal oestradiol establishes permanent sex differences in gene expression. 4,5 This sexual differentiation of cellular phenotype extends to glial cells, including astrocytes 10 and microglia, 11 and opens the door to more subtle differences between male and female brains.Earlier reviews have highlighted some of the challenges in characterising sex differences in the brain: (i) sex differences Abstract Sex differences among neurones in the ventrolateral region of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMHvl) allow for the display of a diversity of sex-typical behaviours and physiological responses, ranging from mating behaviour to metabolism.Here, we review recent studies that interrogate the relationship between sex-typical responses and changes in cellular phenotypes. We discuss technologies that increase the resolution of molecular profiling or targeting of cell populations, including singlecell transcriptional profiling and conditional viral genetic approaches to manipulate neurone survival or activity. Overall, emerging studies indicate that sex-typical functions of the VMH may be mediated by phenotypically distinct and sexually differentiated neurone populations within the VMHvl. Future studies in this and other brain regions could exploit cell-type-specific tools to reveal the cell populations and molecular mediators that modulate sex-typical responses. Furthermore, cell-type-specific analyses of the effects of sexually differentiating factors, including sex hormones, can test the hypothesis that distinct cell types within a single brain region vary with respect to sexual differentiation.
K E Y W O R D Sneuroactive steroids, neuropeptides, oestrogens, progestogens, steroids