Abstract-Product design has always been a key in influencing a consumer's desire to purchase a product in a highly competitive market. During the designing process, the designer has to understand how the consumer's senses appeal towards the appearance of a product, and go through numerous researches into the images that most favor the consumer's wishes. Thus, it has been of great importance in the study of marketing how the appearance of a product can cognitively affect a consumer's willingness to purchase a product. The study below is a research using cleaning products as an example, in which it explores the different psychological attitudes purchaser's display in the different image designs of the product.Applying the study of Semantic Differential, this research utilizes ten different images of cleaning containers to explore the connection between the product image and the emotional reaction in purchasing a product. The experiment uses seven emotional keywords such as "sporty", "cute", "simple", "rationale", "technological", "gentle", and "traditional", and attach them separately to the ten images of cleaning product designs The result concludes square and cylinder bottle designs display emotional keywords that relate to "simple" and "traditional"; cylinder bottle images exemplify emotional keywords such as "simple", "gentle", and "rational"; circular, flat bottles that contract at the bottom display an emotional keyword of "sporty"; symmetrically curved bottles display emotional keywords of "cute" and gentle". Furthermore, the emotional keyword assessment between the designs of square bottles, convex bottles, one-sided concave bottles, and asymmetrical curved bottles seem to display the most significant differences.