F lowering plants depend wholly or partially on pollination for sexual reproduction (Klein et al., 2007). Over three quarters of the world's crops and more than 80 percent of all flowering plants are dependent on pollination (Kenmore and Krell, 1998). Majority of plants from which human beings benefit depend on arthropods as pollinators. Among arthropods, insects are important pollinator of crops worldwide. Without arthropods as pollinators, many plants could not set seed and reproduce fruits and without visit to plants, many arthropods population could crash (Ollerton, 1999). Recently the production value of pollinated crops in Pakistan was enumerated as 1.59 billion US$ with major share of fruits with 0.98 billion US$ (Irshad et al., 2014).Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is an imperative fruit crop of the Rosaceae family. During last two decades, apricot production has increased more than 85%, mostly due to the increase in planting area in Algeria Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan (Bendif et al., 2017). In Pakistan, apricot is grown in Balochistan,