In two previous papers on the infrared emission spectra of gaseous BeH 2 , BeD 2 , and MgH 2 molecules, we reported rotational analyses of the antisymmetric stretching fundamental band and several hot bands. 1,2 A customary effective rotational energy level expression, which is a power series in J͑J +1͒ with B ͓v͔ , D ͓v͔ , and H ͓v͔ constants, was used for most of the observed vibrational levels. For all the vibrational levels with v 2 = 2, we observed large splittings between the e and f parity components of the ⌬ states, i.e., 02 2 0͑⌬ g ͒, 02 2 1͑⌬ u ͒, and 02 2 2͑⌬ g ͒ states. These splittings were attributed to rotational ᐉ-type resonances between these ⌬ states and the associated nearby ⌺ + states, 02 0 0͑⌺ g + ͒, 02 0 1͑⌺ u + ͒, and 02 0 2͑⌺ g + ͒, respectively. Since all the rotational levels of a ⌺ + state have e parity, they interact only with the e parity component of the nearby ⌬ state, and thus the ⌬͑f͒ levels are not perturbed. Following Maki and Lide who analyzed rotational ᐉ-type resonances for HCN, 3 we used a 2 ϫ 2 Hamiltonian matrix for the e levels, while the rotational energy expression for the f levels was the customary power series in J͑J +1͒. However, only for the BeD 2 molecule we could obtain a satisfactory fit to the observed transitions. For BeH 2 , fitting errors of about 0.08 cm −1 were found for lines of the 02 2 1͑⌬ u ͒ → 02 2 0͑⌬ g ͒ and the 02 2 2͑⌬ g ͒ → 02 2 1͑⌬ u ͒ bands, 1 and were assumed to be due to further perturbations of the 02 2 1͑⌬ u ͒ state by the nearby 05 3 0͑⌽ u ͒ state. Although similar perturbations do not exist in MgH 2 , a satisfactory ᐉ-type resonance fit could not be obtained for this molecule, and only lines from the f parity component of the ⌬ states were fitted. The problems in the ᐉ-type resonance fits of BeH 2 and MgH 2 have now been resolved, and the results are reported in this Note.There is an ᐉ-dependent term in the vibrational energy level expression for symmetric linear triatomic molecules, i.e., g 22 ᐉ 2 . The theoretical calculations of Martin and Lee 4 for BeH 2 had predicted the g 22 constant to be +2.46 cm −1 , which means that for a vibrational level with v 2 = 2 the vibrational energy of the ⌬ state ͑ᐉ =2͒ is larger than that of the ⌺ + state ͑ᐉ =0͒ by 4g 22 . In our previous paper on BeH 2 and BeD 2 , 1 the rotational energy had been expressed as a power series in J͑J +1͒, and it was assumed that the rotational levels of the 02 2 0͑⌬ g ͒ state lie higher in energy compared with those of the 02 0 0͑⌺ g + ͒ state because of the positive g 22 value. The common method for assigning any ⌺ + or ⌬ state is based on the first observed line in each branch, since J =0 and 1 do not exist in ⌬ states. However, when spectra are congested because of overlapping bands, it can be difficult to ascertain which lines are missing. We have now realized that our previous assignments of the ⌺ + ͑e͒ and ⌬͑e͒ components should be switched for BeH 2 . When the rotational energy is expressed as a power series in ͓J͑J +1͒ − ᐉ 2 ͔ instead of J͑J +1͒, 5 the ⌺ + state ...