a b s t r a c tIn the anthropology of Christianity, and more broadly in the anthropology of religion, methodological atheism has foreclosed ethnographic description of God as a social actor. This prohibition is the product of certain ontological presumptions regarding agency, an absence of autonomy of human creations, and a truncated conception of what can be said to exist. Reading Tanya Luhrmann's recent ethnography, When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God (2012), in light of both the ontological postulates of Object Orientated Ontology and the work of Bruno Latour, this article proposes an ontological framework that makes it is possible to ethnographically describe God as a social actor without adopting methodological theism. This article also notes, however, that the ethnographic description of religious practice, found in studies of the Vineyard denomination such as Luhrmann's, challenge Latour's own account of the difference between science and religions as distinguishable enterprises. k e y w o r d s : Tanya Luhrmann, Bruno Latour, ontology, anthropology of religion, pentecostal and charismatic christianity What's the use of doing any study in the anthropology of religion if you fix at the beginning and say "well, of course we know that all these fetishes are just representations in the minds of people." -Bruno Latour 2 God is real since he produces real effects. -William James 3