An extensive review is conducted and a comprehensive database is compiled for the transport and thermodynamic properties of helium and nitrogen and their binary mixtures at pressures up to 40 MPa and temperatures from 200 to 1500 K. These gases are attractive working fluids in a closed Brayton cycle for energy conversion in space reactor power systems and terrestrial power plants. Semi-empirical correlations are developed for calculating the properties of the He-N 2 binary mixtures based on the Chapman-Enskog kinetic theory for dilute gases and the application of the law of corresponding states. The correlations accurately account for the effects of pressure and temperature and are in excellent agreement with the compiled properties database. Nomenclature A 12 = ratio of collision integrals, 2;2 = 1;1 a k = polynomial coefficientsmolar specific heat at constant volume, J=mol K c = speed of sound, m=s f 12 = higher-order correction factor H = molar enthalpy, J=mol k = Boltzmann constant, 1:380662 10 23 J=K M = molecular weight, kg/mol m = mass of one gas molecule (M=N A , kg N = number of components in a gas mixture N A = Avogadro number, 6:022045 10 23 mol 1 P = pressure, Pa R g = perfect gas constant, 8:31441 J=mol K S = molar entropy, J=mol K T = temperature, K T cr , T ii = critical temperature of pure gas, K T o = reference temperature, K T = pseudocritical temperature, K T ij = interaction temperature, i ≠ j, K U = molar internal energy, J/mol V = characteristic molar volume of the gas mixture, m 3 =mol V ii = characteristic molar volume of pure gas [V R g T cr =P cr i ], m 3 =mol V ij = characteristic interaction molar volume (i ≠ j), m 3 =mol x i = molar fraction of component i in the gas mixture Z = compressibility factor = excess conductivity T; P o T, W=m K r = normalized excess conductivity, = cr o T cr = excess viscosity T; P o T, Pa s r = normalized excess viscosity, = cr o T cr " ij = depth of molecular potential well, J = reduced temperature, (T=T cr ) = thermal conductivity, W=m K = pseudocritical conductivity, W=m K = dynamic viscosity, Pa s = pseudocritical viscosity, Pa s = gas molar volume, m 3 =mol = density, kg=m 3 = molar density =M, mol=m 3 r = reduced density = cr ij = distance for which the molecular potential is zero, m = dimensionless function of reduced density k;l = dimensionless collision integral Subscripts cr = critical exp = experimental o = dilute-density value, reference value at 0.1 MPa r = reduced (dimensionless) = thermal conductivity = dynamic viscosity 1 = heavier gas component in mixture (nitrogen) 2 = lighter gas component in mixture (helium) Superscripts o = dilute-density value, reference value at 0.1 MPa = gas-mixture property = critical or pseudocritical