This is a summary of studies that bear on the problems of the adaptation of visual pigments to the photic environment of the deep sea. The results suggest that the spectral absorption of these retinal pigments is shifted toward the blue in order to match the dim, blue-green downwelling light andior the bioluminescence of organisms that are critical to the life of the species. Through such a spectral match, greater visual sensitivity is achieved for life in the special photic condition of their habitat. This adaptation has been found for chimaerid fishes, for elasmobranchs, for teleosts, for mammals, and for certain crustaceans and cephalopods. The most convincing evidence €or such an adaptive match has been found in teleosts that have red-emitting photophores. In these fishes a photopigment with absorbance shifted toward the red has been found by extraction and microspectrophotometry. A few exceptions to this idea of an adaptive match have appeared in the literature, the cone pigments, especially, being examples of such offset pigments. The malacosteid fishes have been shown to have a red-shifted retinal pigment with 11-cis-3-dehydroretinal as the chromophore and some invertebrates have also adopted this molecule to adjust the spectral absorption to the photic environment or to the bioluminescence. These studies are beginning to reveal that visual biochemistry is basically the same in vertebrates and invertebrates and that the visual pigment protein arose early in phylogeny and has been retained, with approprite modifications, to the present. This paper is concerned with the problem of convergent evolution relative to the visual pigments that have evolved in association with the special photic environment of the deep sea. This was a problem posed by Bayliss et al. ('36) when they extracted photopigments from the retinas of elasmobranchs and teleosts, and found pigments with absorbance maxima at 505 and 545 nm. They concluded that "the most probable explanation" for this diversity is the depth or quality of the marine habitat. At about the same time Clarke ('36), noting the transmission of blue light by water, predicted that deep water fish might have a visual sensitivity shifted toward the blue. As the result of better data of the photic environment, improvements in the analysis of visual pigments, and more precise information on the habits of fishes, we can now state that a relation has indeed been shown between the spectral absorbance of visual pigments and the quality of the photic environment critical to the life of the species. This conclusion stems from a diversity of studies on both vertebrates and invertebrates but here I shall limit the discussion to organisms living in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones where light is dim and reduced to the spectral region between 470 and 480 nm.
DISCOVERYThe discovery that visual pigments of deep-sea fishes absorb maximally at significantly lower wavelengths than 500 nm, the absorption maximum of the well-known rhodopsins, was made in two laboratories (Den...