Author Contributions: AT performed and analyzed the Limited Trypsinolysis Mass Spectrometry (LTMS) and Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HXMS) experiments and wrote the paper. MB performed the immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. AT, VRM, and LMT expressed and purified recombinant A1 and A1A2A3 domains and multimeric VWF. LMT performed the site-directed mutagenesis of A1 and A1A2A3 domain constructs. AT and LMT performed and analyzed the REAADS activity assay. AT, LMB, and HRB analyzed the Limited Trypsinolysis Mass Spectrometry (LTMS). STW provided software for illustration of local unfolding. KJN, RRL, DC, and RKP performed and analyzed the recombinant and plasma VWF multimer gels. MB, TO and RS graciously provided recombinant multimeric VWF constructs. MMV graciously provided recombinant wild-type A2 domain. MAC also graciously provided recombinant wild-type A1, A3 and A1A2A3 domain constructs. MA designed the research and wrote the paper.