-Rights talks are normative inquiries. Fundamentally, it insists to find what is supposed to be claimed as right and what decides its claimability. Unarguably, whatever is essential for life is a right. Since water is one of the essentials of life, it indeed is a right. The aim of this paper, in this view, is, not to argue against or in favor of the idea of right to water but the aim is to highlight the existing logics that has endorsed that water is a right. In political discourse, such logics are remarkably different as they have elaborated the right in different contexts and have justified them for different purposes. Present paper in this respect is investigating and commenting on some major debates on the question of right to water, this includes debates advanced in neo-liberalism, neo-Marxism, Eco-feminism and Human Right discourse. The paper presents some observations on each debate and tries to find the problem lies in them. For this purpose the paper is divided into four parts, each of which is followed by some observations.
Key Words: Right to water, Neo liberalism, Neo-Marxism, Eco-feminism and Human rights
BackgroundIn water literature, concept of right to water is discussed for different purposes and so have different logics. It is noted that in the academia, explanations on water as a right are processed as thesis, antithesis and synthesis. To understand the process in political discourse, this paper initially focuses on three ideas that are attaching to the idea of right to water. The first idea of which presents that water as a question of right is not a theoretical acclamation. As a notion it is conceptualized with debates, arises in diverse ways and from different perspectives as Iyer (2010) observes