This research deals with communication strategies of religious leaders based on cyberculture. The aims of this study are to explore the communication strategies of religious leaders based on cyberculture in achieving religious harmony for a multicultural society in Medan, to know the effectiveness of religious leaders based on cyberculture, the last to investigate the defiance of religious leaders in achieving religious harmony for a multicultural society. The study was designed in qualitative research, which the data of this study was the association of Religious Harmony (FKUB), for collecting the data, the researcher uses interview, observation, and documentation, then it’s analyzed in four steps, they are data reduction, data display, data collection, Verifying. Based on analysis data it is found that there are some social media that have been used by religious leaders as the communication strategies in achieving religious harmony, namely: Website, TV, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Zoom Meeting. Those will be used by them to deliver their religious message and creating mutual tolerance in the society. In addition, these communication strategies are very effective which they can maintain religious harmony surrounding multicultural environment, so that Medan obtained the appreciation in the Harmony Award. The last, the defiance of religious leader in achieving religious harmony in Medan city is quiet enough and lack of complexities, it is based on the religious tolerance is very splendid among multicultural society. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of cyber-based conflict management in caring for religious harmony in the city of Medan. The city of Medan is known for its multicultural community, there are various ethnic groups, racial religions and inter-groups living and coexisting in this area, with various diversity that exists can result in potential conflicts that if not managed properly can become a source of division in society. Based on the results of research conducted by the local government together with religious leaders and FKUB agreed to maintain the harmony of religious people by often holding dialogues and lowering the spaciousness if it is known that there are problems that can trigger SARA conflicts. Conflict will certainly not be avoided because as many people as people, each group and every religion has their own understanding and beliefs. If conflict management can be managed properly, the potential conflict that arises can strengthen the relationship between the two sides who are feuding. Until now, the harmony of religious people in the city of Medan was well maintained so that it was used as a barometer of diversity by the government by getting an award as a miniature of Indonesia.