Let X be a smooth Mori dream space of dimension ≥ 4. We show that, if X satisfies a suitable GIT condition which we call small unstable locus, then every smooth ample divisor Y of X is also a Mori dream space. Moreover, the restriction map identifies the Néron-Severi spaces of X and Y , and under this identification every Mori chamber of Y is a union of some Mori chambers of X , and the nef cone of Y is the same as the nef cone of X . This Lefschetz-type theorem enables one to construct many examples of Mori dream spaces by taking "Mori dream hypersurfaces" of an ambient Mori dream space, provided that it satisfies the GIT condition. To facilitate this, we then show that the GIT condition is stable under taking products and taking the projective bundle of the direct sum of at least three line bundles, and in the case when X is toric, we show that the condition is equivalent to the fan of X being 2-neighborly.Keywords Mori dream space · Lefschetz theorem · Nef cone · Mori chamber · m-neighborly fan · Cox ring · GIT quotient
IntroductionThe main purpose of this paper is to prove an analog of the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem for Mori dream spaces.Let X be a smooth complex projective variety, and let N 1 (X ) be the group of numerical equivalence classes of line bundles on X . Recall from [17] that X is called a Mori dream space if Pic(X ) Q = N 1 (X ) Q (equivalently H 1 (X, O X ) = 0), and X has a finitely generated Cox ring (Definition 1.2). As the name might suggest, Mori dream spaces are very special varieties on which Mori theory works extremely well (see the nice survey article of Hu [16]). On the other hand, not many classes of examples of them are known. It has been understood for a while that toric varieties are Mori dream spaces; indeed their Cox rings are polynomial