6 -eedge -%dge x5 = R T t rf: z COS +.(29) where the angles and unit vectors for both sets of feeds are defined in the sense indicated in Fig. 1 If a point-source feed is located on the axis of an axially symmetric reflector, then only two singly edge-diffracted rays are possible for a distant field point P(R,B,$), if 0 # 0,n (Fig. 1).These rays are "diffracted" from QE+, where the plane 4 intersects the edge on the same side of the Z axis as the field point, and from QE-, where the plane 4 + .n intersects the edge diametrically opposite Qs+ on the opposite side of the Z axis from the field point.The geometry of the edge-diffracted ray from QE-is shown in Fig. 2. (The surface is assumed to be convex.) The ray from the feed to QE-defmes e&. , and the corresponding extreme geometrically reflected ray, when extended back to the Z axis, defines e,,,,. These two angles may then be used t o define two intermediate angles used in the edge-diffraction notation of where E,, and EfS are the 8 and 4 components of the incident field, pedge is the distance from feed to Q E -, Zedge is the z CO-ordinate of QE-(Zedge < O), Dren is the reflector diameter,
E D G E -D I F F R A C T E D R A Y / E X T R E M E G E O M E T R I C A L RAY
IEEE T R A N S A~O N S ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, MAY 1975-0,-is zero in the direction of the surface tangent, 0 = x/2 -6, but Dh-i s not. Slightly modified but principally the same diffraction coefficients for singly edge-diffracted rays may be derived for concave surfaces. The geometry of the ray difftacted from QE+ is shown in Fig. 3. The fields of this ray are given byThe transition functions F(kLa) remove the singularities at the shadow boundary (8 = a -e&.,) and at the reflection boun-where Dl' and DZr are the principal radii of curvature of the re5ected geometrical ray at QE+ and (Drefl/2)/sin e,,,, is the caustic distance evaluated in the direction of the reflection boundary.For the point source on the 2 axis illuminating the axially symmetric reflector, the resulting single edge-diffracted rays have a caustic at all points on the Z axis. Thus all ray path-lengths FQEP are the same if both F and P lie on the axis of symmetry.Ray optical solutions fail in the neighborhood of these caustics, as, for example, the sin 0 denominator in the square-root factor of (4) and (6) Furthermore, for this symmetric case 4' = 4 2 + a).The most commonly encountered feed function is that of a far-field, m = 1, spherical-wave source for which the tangential fields incident on the edge areThe easily computed ring current fields then become as follows. 8, corresponds to a caustic at in6nity form point 2, while e, corresponds to a caustic at infinity from point 1 . Thus, as 0 increases from 0, to e, , the additional roots 3 and 4 move from 2 to 1. In practice, for typical reflector geometries the range of values from to 0, is sufficiently small so that the entire range is covered by radiation from the equivalent ring sources to avoid unrealistically large predicted fields.An example of a multi- hyperbolo...