The possible occurrence of highly deformed configurations in the 40 Ca dinuclear system formed in the 28 Siϩ 12 C reaction is investigated by analyzing the spectra of emitted light charged particles. Both inclusive and exclusive measurements of the heavy fragments (Aу10) and their associated light charged particles ͑protons and ␣ particles͒ have been made at the IReS Strasbourg VIVITRON Tandem facility at bombarding energies of E lab ( 28 Si)ϭ112 MeV and 180 MeV by using the ICARE charged particle multidetector array. The energy spectra, velocity distributions, and both in-plane and out-of-plane angular correlations of light charged particles are compared to statistical-model calculations using a consistent set of parameters with spindependent level densities. The analysis suggests the onset of large nuclear deformation in 40 Ca at high spin.