Introduction Jordanian universities teach English as a foreign language, and most instructors notice prepositional problems in writing. Most foreign-language English learners make errors. This study examines Jordanian university English learners' prepositional errors. Methodology: This research adopts a quantitative approach. In a qualitative approach, data are obtained from students through random and self-administered interviews. A test consisting of 25 fill-in-the-blank questions distributed to students. The quantitative approach uses questionnaires and language ability tests as tools that are distributed to first-and second-year university students as respondents from three universities in Jordan by 384 respondents. Result: Correlation between Jordanian universities and their obtained marks In the use of prepositions in English. The relationship between the year of study and grades obtained is low (r = 0.048). Educational level (EL) positively adjusts the association between prepositions, English language learning, and poor prepositional writing skills. Educational level (EL) also positively mitigates the effect of prepositions and their transference. Conclusion: Error analysis may help EFL learners among university students in Jordan improve the use of prepositions in their writing and enhance their learning abilities in the classroom.