Using su(N ) Cartan subalgebra local bases parametrization of density operator ρ, we prove that the Wu-Yang potentials of a general N -level quantum system are completely expressed by SU (N ) gauge transformation. By taking the SU (2) Cartan subalgebra local basis as a local normalized magnetization vector, we find that magnetic skyrmion and Wu-Yang magnetic monopole have the same algebraic structure. Moreover, by taking the adiabatic unitary evolution of magnetization as local gauge transformation, we verify that the Wu-Yang potential of magnetic skyrmions is proportional to the Berry connection, this means that magnetic skyrmion is quasi-magnetic monopole.The exact relation between Wu-Yang potentials and Berry connection is discussed in detail for the general SU (N ) case, i.e. the Berry connection for the pure or mixed state is the weighted average of the (N − 1) Wu-Yang potentials.