We present an algorithm to simulate curvilinear hydraulic fractures in plane strain and axisymmetry. We restrict our attention to sharp fractures propagating in an isotropic, linear elastic medium and driven by the injection of a laminar, Newtonian fluid governed by lubrication theory, and we require the existence of a finite lag region between the fluid front and the crack tip. The key novelty of our approach is in how we discretize the evolving crack and fluid domains: we utilize universal meshes (UMs), a technique to create conforming triangulations of a problem domain by only perturbing nodes of a universal background mesh in the vicinity of the boundary. In this way, we construct meshes, which conform to the crack and to the fluid front. This allows us to build standard piecewise linear finite element spaces and to monolithically solve the quasistatic hydraulic fracture problem for the displacement field in the rock and the pressure in the fluid. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithms through three examples: a convergence study in plane strain, a comparison with experiments in axisymmetry, and a novel case of a fracture in a narrow pay zone.