Abstract. Deposition rates of trace metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd) were determined at the Meteorological Station in New Belgrade (H,= 74 m; qo = 44~ and A = 20~ in the hydrological year 1992/93 (1 November-31 October). The dominant characteristics of the observation period were strong drought and drastically reduced pollutant emissions. Traffic and local sources operated at 0-10% of their capacities. Samples of dry and wet precipitation were taken by an automatic collector at a height of 2 m at weekly intervals. Two petri polycarbonate dishes of 93.5 mm diameter, facing upward, and one, facing downward, were used for dry precipitation sampling. Determination in a 'clean room' by differential pulse stripping voltammetry provided the low detection thresholds of 0.1, 1.0, 0.5 and 2.0 ng mL -t, i.e. the measurement of minimal dry deposition rates of 0.02, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.4 iLg m-2d -i for Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn, respectively. The mean annual deposition rates, expressed in tLg m-~-d -I, were found to be as follows: 4.5 (down), 26 (up) and 37 (wet) for Pb, 2. I (down), 13 (up) and 36 (wet) for Cu, and 3. I (down), 26 (up) and 95 (wet) for Zn. No values above 0.2 it~ m--d-twere found for the Cd dry deposition rate and no Cd concentration higher than 1 ng mLfor precipitation with an anaount >0.5 mm at the weekly interval was detected. Using the XREDS method with a scanning electron microscope, St,