We provide the leading near conformal corrections on a cylinder to the scaling dimension of the lowest-lying fixed isospin charge Q operators defined at the lower boundary of the quantum chromodynamics conformal window, Δ˜Q=Δ˜Q*+(mσ4πν)2QΔ3B1+(mπ(θ)4πν)4Q23(1−γ)B2+O(mσ4,mπ8,mσ2mπ4). Here, Δ˜Q/r is the classical ground state energy of the theory on R×Sr3 at fixed isospin charge while Δ˜Q* is the scaling dimension at the leading order in the large charge expansion. In the conformal limit mσ=mπ=0, the state-operator correspondence implies Δ˜Q=Δ˜Q*. The near-conformal corrections are expressed in powers of the dilaton and pion masses in units of the chiral symmetry breaking scale 4πν with the θ-angle dependence encoded directly in the pion mass. The characteristic Q-scaling is dictated by the quark mass operator anomalous dimension γ and the one characterizing the dilaton potential Δ. The coefficients Bi with i=1,2 depend on the geometry of the cylinder and properties of the nearby conformal field theory.
Published by the American Physical Society