Using stretching and bending vibrations to direct the reaction of Cl atoms with isocyanic acid (HNCO) Efficient collisional vibrational relaxation of triplet state molecules: Pyrazine deuteration and methylation effects Direct observation of all three photofragmentation channels of HNCO gives the relative yields of 3 NHϩCO, HϩNCO, and 1 NHϩCO at nine different photolysis energies for both thermal and vibrationally excited molecules. Each higher energy channel dominates as it becomes accessible, but vibrational excitation changes the relative yield of 1 NH markedly. Photolysis of HNCO(3 1 ) at the same total energy yields up to 2.5 times more NCO with a corresponding reduction in 1 NH. The relative yield of 3 NH and NCO, however, is indifferent to vibrational excitation. The dependence of the yields on vibrational excitation supports a picture in which direct decomposition on the S 1 surface produces 1 NHϩCO and in which internal conversion to S 0 leads to HϩNCO, by spin-allowed unimolecular decay, and to 3 NHϩCO, by intersystem crossing and decomposition on T 1 . The observed vibrational enhancement of the NCO yield is consistent with vibrational excitation impeding the decomposition to 1 NHϩCO on S 1 and, thus, increasing the number of molecules that cross to S 0 and decay to HϩNCO.