The QCD Sum Rules approach had proposed by Shifman, Vaishtein Zakharov Novikov, Okun and Voloshin (SVZNOV) in 1979 and has been used as a method for extracting useful properties of hadrons having the lowest mass, called as ground states. On the other hand, the most recent experimental results make it clear that the study of the excited states can help to solve many puzzles about the new XYZ mesons structure. In this paper, we propose a new method to study the first excited state of the vector mesons, in particular we focus our attention on the study of the ρ vector mesons, that have been studied previously by SVZNOV method. In principle, the method that we used is a simple modification to the shape of the spectral density of the SVZNOV method, which is written as “pole + continuum”, to a new functional form “pole + pole + continuum”. In this way, We may obtain the ρ and the ρ 2 S masses and also their decay constants.