We briefly review some of the most relevant results that our group obtained in the past, while investigating the dynamics of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) models. A first result is the numerical evidence of the existence of two different kinds of transitions in the dynamics of the FPU models: i) a Stochasticity Threshold (ST), characterized by a value of the energy per degree of freedom below which the overwhelming majority of the phase space trajectories are regular (vanishing Lyapunov exponents). It tends to vanish as the number N of degrees of freedom is increased. ii) a Strong Stochasticity Threshold (SST), characterized by a value of the energy per degree of freedom at which a crossover appears between two different power laws of the energy dependence of the largest Lyapunov exponent, which phenomenologically corresponds to the transition between weakly and strongly chaotic regimes. It is stable with N . A second result is the development of a Riemannian geometric theory to explain the origin of Hamiltonian chaos. The starting of this theory has been motivated by the inadequacy of the approach based on homoclinic intersections to explain the origin of chaos in systems of arbitrarily large N , or arbitrarily far from quasi-integrability, or displaying a transition between weak and strong chaos. Finally, a third result stems from the search for the transition between weak and strong chaos in systems other than FPU. Actually, we found that a very sharp SST appears as the dynamical counterpart of a thermodynamic phase transition, which in turn has led, in the light of the Riemannian theory of chaos, to the development of a topological theory of phase transitions. "...Fermi expressed often the belief that future fundamental theories in physics may involve non-linear operators and equations, and that it would be useful to attempt practice in the mathematics needed for the understanding of nonlinear systems. The plan was then to start with the possibly simplest such physical model and to study the results of the calculation of its long-time behavior.... The motivation then was to observe the rates of mixing and thermalization with the hope that the computational results would provide hints for a future theory. One could venture a guess that one motive in the selection of problems could be traced to Fermi's early interest in the ergodic theory..."Actually, Fermi's early interest in ergodic theory is witnessed by his contribution to a theorem due to Poincaré and thenceforth known as the Poincaré-Fermi theorem. This asserts that neither analytic (Poincaré) nor smooth (Fermi) integrals of motion besides the energy can survive a generic perturbation of an integrable system with three or more degrees of freedom, thus, in the absence of other isolating integrals of motion, any constant energy surface of these generic systems is expected to be everywhere accessible to the phase space trajectory. At this level, no hindrance to ergodicity seems to be possible. Whence the surprise of Fermi, Pasta and Ulam (FPU) when no apparent...