concentrations; higher original filling concentrations merely delay the equilibrium point a few replenishments. The equilibrium point is influenced mainly by the concentration of the replenishing solution and the vat level at which replenishment is done. Thus it seems possible that a certain saving in chemical could be effected by using a solution of one half of the usual strength in originally filling a vat and then replenishing with usual strength. Also if the vat inadvertently dropped below the desired SO% volume level it would not be necessary to use stronger than usual solutions to bring the concentrations back to the desired strength.This information on replenishing vats is somewhat speculative, particularly since it is not based on data derived from tests of actual replenishing schedules. Also the wide variation in stain hazard undcr different geographical and saw-milling conditions should greatly influence safe vat levels. However, the information should be useful as a guide in handling mercurial solutions.Ethyl mercuric phosphate has been widely and successfully used for protecting green lumber against stain for many years. However, when this chemical is used it seems desirable to consider adsorption in devising replenishing schedules. The desired effect can be srcured either by replenishing vats with concentre tions higher than originally used or by replenishing a t frequent intervals with usual concentrations. In the latter case the indication is that the amouht of solution in the vat should never be less than 80% of the original volume. Frequent replenishment with usual concentrations would seem the most logical method of controlling concentrations in most milling operations. The importance of maintaining concentrations would be greatest during warm wet weather when stain is relatively difficult to control even with the best fungicides,
SUMMARYLaboratory and field tests showed that the fungicides commonly used for controlling stain, mold, and decay fungi on green lumber progressively decrease in effectiveness with repeated use.It is assumed that this is due to adsorption of the toxic solutes to the wood.Of the fungicides tested, solutions of ethyl mercuric phosphate were much reduced in effectiveness after sufficient wood has been dipped so that half of the solution has been taken up by the lumber. Sodium pentachlorophenate was but slightly weakened. Mixtures of either of these with borax, and of both together with borax were weakened to an intermediate degree. Only the weakening of the mercurial alone and the mercurial plus borax were considered of commercial significance under the conditions of the tests.Loss in strength of mercurial solutions probably can be reduced to a safe level by replenishing treating solutions with stronger solutions than originally used or by frequent replenishment of solutions with concentrations recommended for general use. The indications are that adequate strengths will be maintained if additions of recommended concentrations are made before the solution level in the tre...