Practical implementation of high-efficiency quantum dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs) must be accompanied with sufficient photocurrent generation via IB states [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The demonstration of QD-IBSC is presently undergoing two stages. The first is to develop epitaxial growth and printing technologies to fabricate high density QD array and superlattice of low defect density which are placed in the active absorption layer of the solar cell. The second phase is to realize partially-filled or ideally half-filled IB states with carriers in order to maximize the photocurrent generation by two-step absorption of infrared photons of solar spectrum.For the former requirement, we have developed a strain-compensation or strain-balanced technique in order to fabricate multiple stacks of self-organized InAs QDs in GaNAs strain-compensating matrix on GaAs substrate [7,8]. For the latter, it has been theoretically shown that doping of QDs and concentrated illumination of the cell at around 1000 suns would result in a sufficient population of carriers in IB as depicted in Fig. 1 [10 ,11]. Production of additive photocurrents has been demonstrated at room temperature in doped QD-IBSCs [12,13]. We have also demonstrated the effect of doping on two-step photocurrent production by fabricating a cell structure as schematically shown in Fig. 2 [12] and also by testing a concentrator solar cell module under concentrated sunlight illuminations as shown in Fig. 3 [14].The purpose of this presentation is to review our approach of fabrication of high-density array of QDs and QD-IBSCs and to summarize the operation principle and cell characteristics. The effect of sunlight concentration on the performance of multi-stacked InAs QD-IBSCs is reviewed. We show that doping of QD-IB states as well as sunlight concentration clearly increase the optical generation rates from the valence band to IB, and from IB to the conduction band. Thus these factors are important because sufficient population of carriers in IB drastically changes the energy band structure into flat-band, which in turn acts to increase the photocurrent production from IB to the conduction band. The QD-IBSCs which commonly suffer from low absorption by QDs are thus expected to recover fast and perform better under concentrated sunlight illumination.