a The rate constant including tunneling is then given by k CVT/MT = κ MT k CVT , where κ MT is the transmission coefficient (denoted κ CVT/MT in Ref. 1 ), and MT is ZCT, SCT, LCT(0), LCT, or µOMT. The definition for the transmission coefficient is given in Ref. 1 . See Section 2.3 of text for MCMM notation.b With n max = 0, where n max is the highest vibrational quantum number included in LCT calculations; for direct dynamics, it is the number of energetically allowed final states.c With n max = 0; the n max for MCMM is determined according to the protocol described in Section 3.2 of text. Note that in direct dynamics and MCMM, the potential energy surfaces and reaction paths are not identical, and thus the energetically allowed highest excited states are not necessarily the same.d With n max = 0. e With n max = 1.