“…Row 12: The comment by Pauly (1968) on Arrow (1963) that full coverage may not be optimal under conditions of moral hazard. That along with a further comment by Becker (1968), Stigler (1970), Becker and Stigler (1974), Schelling (1978) Sethi (1979), Feichtinger (1983, Gerchak and Parlar (1985), Caulkins et al (2014) Kurz (1970) Sethi (1973), Pekelman (1974), Hartl and Sethi (1984), Hartl (1992), Skiba and Skiba (2021) 9 Peak-load pricing Williamson (1966Williamson ( , 1974 de Salvia (1969), Chao (1983) Transaction cost economics Coase (1937Coase ( , 1960Coase ( , 1992, Williamson (2008Williamson ( , 2010 Bajari and Tadelis (2001), Argyres and Mayer (2007), Xue and Field (2008), Handley (2017), Ketokivi and Mahoney (2020) *Table 4 by Row Numbers: Row 1: Caines et al (1981) provide a method of multivariable causality detection. Row 2: See Sethi (2021a) for the relationship between certainty equivalent and the separation principle of the Kalman (1960) filter.…”