Original citationMonaghan, S., Greer, J. C. The hafnium and zirconium silicates, ͑MO 2 ͒ x ͑SiO 2 ͒ 1−x , with M = Hf/ Zr, are being considered as high-k gate dielectrics for field-effect transistors as a compromise between high permittivity and thermal stability during processing. Using atomic-scale models of silicates derived from hafnon/ zircon, stability before and after simulated thermal annealing is calculated within a density-functional approach. These silicates are found to be thermodynamically unstable with respect to decomposition into SiO 2 and MO 2 ͑M =Hf/Zr͒. Segregation mechanisms on the atomic scale are studied leading to an insight as to an why SiO 2 -rich mixtures undergo spinodal decomposition and why, by contrast, MO 2 -rich phases are metastable, decomposing below typical process temperatures.