Articles you may be interested inThermochemistry of radicals formed by hydrogen abstraction from 1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, and butanal A compilation is presented of published experimental and computational reports ͑191 references͒ on the structures, vibrational frequencies, molar enthalpies of formation and standard entropies for 26 gas phase boranes for the temperature range from 0 to 1500 K. The thermochemical properties have been collated via standard programs and are listed in a convenient tabular format. Levels of uncertainties in the thermodynamic functions have not been assessed, because of the limited experimental and computational data. The tabulated values were fitted to standard seven-parameter ͑NASA͒ polynomials to facilitate the computation of enthalpies of formation, entropies, and heat capacities for modeling purposes. Within the context of intrinsic uncertainties, the equilibrium compositions of the gas phase were calculated, constrained to constant temperature and volume, for several boron-hydrogen ͑B/H͒ ratios, at various temperatures and pressures. The ͑unex-pected͒ results indicate that in none of the reported gas-phase kinetics studies was thermodynamic equilibrium attained, even though the measured concentration profiles appear to extrapolate to steady state product distributions.