“…For the C atom specifically, this set was augmented by a set of diffuse functions, aug-cc-pVQZ [22b]. This augmentation was deemed necessary, because carbon was observed to acquire significant negative charge as in the isovalent CaC and ZnC molecules [7][8][9]. In order to assess the adequacy of the basis set and to eliminate any relevant superposition errors, we have also performed calculations with the aforementioned methods near the equilibrium bond distance in both X 3 ⌺ Ϫ and 5 ⌺ Ϫ states of BeC and MgC, employing the cc-pVnZ (Be, Mg) /aug-cc-pVnZ (C) series, with n ϭ T(3), Q(4), and 5, and then extrapolating the binding energies D e and bond lengths r e to the complete basis set (CBS) limit, using the simple exponential formula [23]:…”