A quantum reaction dynamics study of the translational, vibrational, and rotational motion effects on the HD + H3+ reaction J. Chem. Phys. 135, 114307 (2011) First-principles simulation of molecular dissociation-recombination equilibrium J. Chem. Phys. 135, 104310 (2011) Direct simulation of electron transfer using ring polymer molecular dynamics: Comparison with semiclassical instanton theory and exact quantum methods J. Chem. Phys. 135, 074106 (2011) Charge-transfer-induced suppression of galvanic replacement and synthesis of (Au@Ag)@Au double shell nanoparticles for highly uniform, robust and sensitive bioprobes Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 073107 (2011) Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. The gas-phase reaction between calcium monocation and fluoromethane: Ca + +CH 3 F → CaF + +CH 3 was theoretically analyzed. The potential energy hypersurface was explored by using density functional theory methodology with different functionals and Pople's, Dunning's, Ahlrichs', and Stuttgart-Dresden basis sets. Kinetics calculations ͑energy and total angular momentum resolved microcanonical variational/conventional theory͒ were accomplished. The theoretically predicted range for the global kinetic rate constant values at 295 K ͑7.2ϫ 10 −11 -5.9 ϫ 10 −10 cm 3 molecule −1 s −1 ͒ agrees reasonably well with the experimental value at the same temperature ͓͑2.6Ϯ 0.8͒ ϫ 10 −10 cm 3 molecule −1 s −1 ͔. Explicit consideration of a two transition state model, where the formation of a weakly bounded prereactive complex is preceded by an outer transition state ͑entrance channel͒ and followed by an inner transition state connecting with a second intermediate that finally leads to products, is mandatory. Experimental observations on the correlation, or lack of correlation, between reaction rate constants and second ionization energies of the metal might well be rationalized in terms of this two transition state model.