We examine the behavior of self-pulsating laser diodes when injected with periodic optical signals. We experimentally and theoretically investigate the phase difference between the injected optical signal and the synchronized self-pulsating laser diode emission. We explore the phase difference dependence on detuning between the laser free-running self-pulsation frequency and the applied signal frequency, and on the injected signal power. The determined sensitive dependence of the phase difference on these factors has important consequences when self-pulsating lasers are used as optical signal processing elements in all-optical communication networks, where such sensitivity may lead to timing problems. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑96͒02625-3͔The physics of nonlinear oscillators interacting with applied signals is a problem that has long been of intense interest.1-4 Laser diodes are particularly appropriate for investigating such phenomena as they are a relatively well understood model system for studying nonlinear dynamics and there is fundamental interest in understanding active nonlinear optical system behavior when perturbed by incident optical signals.5 A less esoteric, but nonetheless urgent, applied interest in these matters is driven by telecommunications as the increasing sophistication of high bandwidth fiber optic networks will ultimately demand high speed optically transparent systems. While existing networks are not yet alloptical and contain electronic elements that carry out specific functions such as routing and switching, it is becoming increasingly apparent that such electro-optical conversions will place severe limitations on the bandwidth of future networks. All-optical networks hold the key to communications that will be high-speed, high-volume, and more widespread than ever before, especially given the market driven constraints of effective utilization of the installed infrastructural base. Given these demands and constraints, all-optical alternatives are being sought to many functions currently performed by electronic devices in communication networks. Selection and development of these all-optical networks requires understanding of the interaction of light with active optical media; for example, in wavelength division multiplexing using semiconductor optical amplifiers 6 and in signal processing using self-pulsating laser diodes ͑SP LDs͒.7 In this letter, we examine the behavior of self-pulsating compact disk ͑CD͒ laser diodes when synchronized to externally injected optical signals. We examine the mechanism by which optical synchronization occurs and show how our numerical and experimental results can be explained on the basis of this mechanism. Calculations are found to be in excellent agreement with experimental results.SP LDs using complex, multisection devices have been shown to carry out function such as all-optical synchronization and clock extraction at high speeds. 7,8 However, future low cost networks may require simpler structures with which to implement such...