Introduction. In order to reduce the fire hazard of textile materials (TM), scientific research is being carried out for the development of various methods of their fire protection. One of the directions in the field of decorative finishing TM with reduced flammability is their surface treatment with fire retardant compositions. Along with the development of fire retardants for TM, it is quite legitimate to study the effects of tissue on human skin, when in contact.Methods. At the stage of development of fire retardant compositions for surface treatment and the choice of the technology of their application, it is necessary to take into account the functional purpose of the TM, the scope of application and operational requirements.Discussion. In developing a fire retardant composition for surface treatment of TM that are in contact with human skin, the authors proposed the use of a number of phosphorus-containing compounds, which are effective fire retardants. However, a significant disadvantage of such compounds is their instability, decomposition and dissociation over time, which leads to irritation of the skin in direct contact with the material. Therefore, research has been carried out and optimal chemical compositions of stabilizers, buffer solutions and their ratios in the fire retardant have been selected. Their use for surface treatment of TM on acellulosic basis makes the TM resistant to ignition and does not adversely affect the skin of a person in direct contact.Conclusions. Based on the experimental data obtained, it follows that one of the possible ways to solve the problem of developing effective fire protection means that meet the requirements of normative documents in the field of fire safety and sanitary hygiene may be modification of compounds based on carbamide compounds with the selection of appropriate stabilizers and buffer solutions.