A versatile light scattering instrument of high sensitivity is described. It employs a right-angle collecting system. It can be used (a) to determine the distribution of particle sizes in aerosols, by counting and classifying individual particles, and (b) to record the light scattering intensities from aerosols and gases. Procedures have been developed for calibration of the counter with the uniform polyvinyltoluene and polystyrene latex preparations. The degree of moncdispersity of a test aerosol produced by spray-drying these preparations was considered in detail. Pulse amplitude distribution measurements were made on 0.33, 0.5, and lp diameter particles. The results indicate that the scattering signal per particle, in our optical system, is proportional to the square of the diameter. The resolving power of the counter lies within a standard deviation of 8 percent in particle diameter. Methods were developed to employ gases as standards for particle counting work. It was found that the measured scattering intensities from He, H", N 0 , C0 ? , S0 2 , and CH-C1 increase with the square of the mean molecular polarizabilities, as expected. The limit of sensitivity of the tO-11 , photometer corresponds to 7»3'X 10 g./liter of a 0.3^ diameter test aerosol. \