The intriguing deactivation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2B4 enzyme induced by a mutation of a single residue, Phe429 to His, is explored by means of quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculations of the O-OH bond activation of the (Fe3+OOH)− intermediate. It is found that the F429H mutant of CYP 2B4 undergoes homolytic, instead of heterolytic, O-OH bond cleavage. Thus, the mutant acquires the following characteristics of a heme oxygenase (HO) enzyme: (a) The donation by His429 of an additional NH---S H-bond to the cysteine ligand combined with the presence of the substrate retard the heterolytic cleavage and give rise to homolytic O-OH cleavage, and (b) the Thr302/water cluster orients the nascent OH• close to the meso position of the porphyrin, and ensures an efficient meso hydroxylation.