This report is the summary of the Eighth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018). Hadron and nuclear physics is the field to investigate high-density quantum many-body systems bound by strong interactions. It is intended to clarify matter generation of universe and properties of quark-hadron many-body systems. The QNP is an international conference which covers a wide range of hadron and nuclear physics, including quark and gluon structure of hadrons, hadron spectroscopy, hadron interactions and nuclear structure, hot and cold dense matter, and experimental facilities. First, I introduce the current status of the hadron and nuclear physics field related to this conference. Next, the organization of the conference is explained, and a brief overview of major recent developments is discussed by selecting topics from discussions at the plenary sessions. They include rapidly-developing field of gravitational waves and nuclear physics, hadron interactions and nuclear structure with strangeness, lattice QCD, hadron spectroscopy, nucleon structure, heavy-ion physics, hadrons in nuclear medium, and experimental facilities of EIC, GSI-FAIR, JLab, J-PARC, Super-KEKB, and others. Nuclear physics is at a fortunate time to push various projects at these facilities. However, we should note that the projects need to be developed together with related studies in other fields such as gravitational physics, astrophysics, condensed-matter physics, particle physics, and fundamental quantum physics.