We report accurate Photoionization energies for the 1s 2 2snp 1 P • , 1s 2 2snd 1,3 D, and 1s 2 2pnd 3 D Rydberg series of the Be-like (Z = 8 − 18) ions. Calculations are done in the framework of the Screening constant per unit nuclear charge (SCUNC) method. The SCUNC predictions for n > 8 may be useful primary source for the NIST database. In addition, the present work enlighten the discrepancies between the MCDF results of Stancalie [European Physics Journal D, 67, 223, (2013)] and the Opacity Project Team (OPT) predictions (the Opacity Project (IOPP, Vol. 1, 1995) especially for the 1s 2 2s9p 1,3 D 2 levels of the Al 9+ ions. The MCDF calculations are equal to −0.60909 a.u (1s 2 2s9p 1 D 2 ) and −0.60663 a.u (1s 2 2s9p 3 D 2 ). For these states, the OPT data are at −0.61923 a.u (1s 2 2s9p 1 D 2 ) and −0.62020 a.u (1s 2 2s9p 3 D 2 ). The present SCUNC calculations give for these levels −0.6179 a.u (1s 2 2s9p 1 D 2 ) and −0.6205 a.u (1s 2 2s9p 3 D 2 ). Numerous new data are tabulated as useful guideline for investigators focusing their researches on the Photoionisation of Be-like systems as far as the 1s 2 2snp 1 P • , 1s 2 2snd 1,3 D, and 1s 2 2pnd 3 D Rydberg series are concerned.s