Solving Einstein's equations precisely for strong-field gravitational systems is essential to determining the full physics content of gravitational wave detections. Without these solutions it is not possible to infer precise values for initial and final-state system parameters. Obtaining these solutions requires extensive numerical simulations, as Einstein's equations governing these systems are much too difficult to solve analytically. These difficulties arise principally from the curved, non-linear nature of spacetime in general relativity. Developing the numerical capabilities needed to produce reliable, efficient calculations has required a Herculean 50-year effort involving hundreds of researchers using sophisticated physical insight, algorithm development, computational technique, and computers that are a billion times more capable than they were in 1964 when computations were first attempted. The purpose of this review is to give an accessible overview for non-experts of the major developments that have made such dramatic progress possible.
R. A. EisensteinMIT LIGO NW22-272, Figure 1 is a comparison of the observed strains, within a 35-350 Hz passband, at the Hanford and Livingston LIGO sites after shifting and inverting the Hanford data to account for the difference in arrival time and the relative orientation of the detectors. The event was identified nearly in real time using detection techniques that made minimal assumptions [4] about the nature of the incoming wave. Subsequent analysis used matched-filter techniques [5] to establish the statistical significance of the observation. Detailed statistical analyses using Bayesian methods were used to estimate the parameters of the coalescing BH-BH system. [3] Long before coalescence occurs, the two orbiting BHs can be represented as point masses co-rotating in a Newtonian orbit of very large size. In Einstein's Universe, however, an "inspiral" is taking place due to energy lost to gravitational radiation.This "inspiral" is indicated on the left side of Figure 2. As it progresses, the orbit becomes circularized due to the energy loss. The spacetime is basically flat except near each BH. Even so, Newtonian physics cannot accurately describe what is happening. Instead, "Post-Newtonian" (PN) [6] and "Effective One-Body" (EOB) [7] methods must be employed. [8] As the BHs near each other (center, Figure 2), spacetime begins to warp and the BH horizons are distorted. The EOB approach provides a good description (better than one might expect) until the beginning of coalescence, when the spacetime becomes significantly curved and highly non-linear. In fact, the inspiraling waveform depends strongly on several aspects of the BH-BH interaction, for example, their masses, spins, orbit orientation, and eccentricity. This dependence plays a key role in the extraction of those parameters, but requires fits to numerical relativity simulations (Section 4.9) to reproduce the correct result as the binary system approaches merger. Recently, parameter estimation methods have d...