“… - Although the atomic charges at the metal atoms M are much more modest, the electronic structures of the M(CO) 3 ‐type systems correspond to the 18 e ideas. Neither these systems, nor the diatomic predicted LaIr, nor the triatomic predicted29 NUIr conflict with the nominal oxidation state of Ir −III .
- There may exist several so far unknown closed‐shell triple‐bonded32 neutral MM′ or M′M′ dimers of M = {Sc, Y, La–Lu}, M′ = {N–Bi; Co–Ir}, and the isoelectronic ions.
- The question of “metallic self‐oxidation”, that is, apparent cationic Mössbauer isomer shifts in metals and alloys, due to electron transfer to the conduction band, may deserve further study. This includes the common reference substances.