1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone( 1m2p)i sasolvent with proven abilitiesf or 2D-solid exfoliation due to its extremely high surface tension. In principle, such af eature could be used also to induce the selectiveb reaking of certain bonds in solids to obtain new materials. Such ah ypothesis is demonstrated in this study for transition metal nitroprussides, where 2D solids are obtained from 3D frameworks by selective rupture of axial bonds. This contribution discusses the mechanism involved in such molecular manufacture. The crystal structuref or the formed 2D solids was solved and refined from XRD powder patterns recordedu sing synchrotron radiation.M çssbauer,I Ra nd Ramans pectrap rovided fine details on the electronic structure of the resulting new series of layered materials. The experimental information was complemented with calculations for the molecule configuration in its non-activated and activated forms. In the obtained 2D solids,n eighboring layers of about 1nmo ft hickness remain separated by activated1 m2p molecules. The interaction betweenn eighboring layers is of ap hysicaln ature, withoutt he presence of ac hemical bond between them,a sc orresponds to a2Dm aterial.For 1m2p: n(C =O) = 1688 cm À1 and n(NÀC CH3 ) = 1402 cm À1 ;[ a] Ta ken from Raman spectrum.